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Station LED display application guide

With the continuous development of social economy and the acceleration of urbanization, public transport has become one of the main ways for people to travel. As an important part of public transport, the quality and efficiency of the information service of the station have a crucial impact on the travel experience and comfort of passengers. As an important means of modern station information service, LED display can not only improve the efficiency of information transmission and service quality, but also enrich the cultural connotation and visual experience of the station. This article will be the station LED display application guide for detailed discussion.

Station LED display

Type and characteristics of LED display in station

LED display can be divided into indoor LED display and outdoor LED display according to its application scenarios and uses. Indoor LED display is generally used in waiting rooms, ticket halls, platforms and other places, its main characteristics are lower brightness, higher resolution, smaller size, faster update speed; Outdoor LED display is generally used outside the station, beside the road and other open environment, its main characteristics are high brightness, low resolution, large size, strong durability. Do you know the six differences between indoor and outdoor leds?

The characteristics of station LED display mainly include the following 4 aspects:

High brightness: LED displays are much brighter than traditional displays and can show clearly in strong sunlight.

High definition: The LED display has a higher resolution and can display more delicate images and text.

Energy saving and environmental protection: LED display has lower energy consumption than traditional display, will not produce harmful substances, is a kind of green screen.

Diversified display effect: LED display can display dynamic text, pictures, videos and other information content, enrich the station information service form.

Station LED display

Application scenario of LED display in station

The application scenarios of LED display in stations are very wide, as follows:

Station information display: display train number information, platform information, waiting time and other information content to help passengers understand the latest travel information.

Advertising: Broadcast the station advertising, scenic spot introduction, city image publicity and other content, improve the city image and tourism promotion effect.

Close to people’s livelihood: Broadcast city weather forecast, environmental protection index, traffic index, etc., to facilitate passengers’ daily travel and life.

Cultural display: Play cultural activities information, art exhibitions, cultural performances and other content, enrich the cultural connotation of the station, improve the cultural quality and spiritual enjoyment of passengers.

Safety warning: Broadcast safety warning, emergency warning, emergency handling guide and other contents to improve passengers’ safety awareness and emergency response ability.

Social interaction: passengers’ messages, photos, check-in and other contents are displayed to promote communication and interaction between passengers.

Station LED display

Station LED display application suggestions

In the application process of LED display in the station, attention should be paid to the following 5 aspects:

Determine the information content: the LED display of the station should determine the information content according to the needs of passengers and station management, so as to avoid duplicate or invalid information.

Unified standard specifications: The design and content of LED display screens in stations should be carried out in accordance with unified standards and specifications to ensure the uniformity and accuracy of information transmission.

Choose the right location: The installation location of the LED display in the station should take into account the passenger line of sight, traffic flow line, environmental layout and other factors to avoid affecting the traffic and safety of the station.

Considering the maintenance cost: The maintenance cost of the LED display in the station is relatively high, so the long-term use and maintenance cost should be taken into account, and the appropriate brand and supplier should be selected for cooperation.

Adapt to humanized design: The design of LED display screens in stations should conform to humanized principles, including font size, color, animation effect and other aspects, so that passengers can more easily understand and accept the information.


The application of station LED display can improve the quality and efficiency of station information service and enrich the cultural connotation and visual experience of the station. In the process of application, it is necessary to consider the information content, unified standard, location selection, maintenance cost and humanized design and other factors to ensure the application effect and benefit of the station LED display.

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