The FAQ provides detailed information about LED product features, common questions and answers about LED, as well as purchasing considerations for LED, aiming to provide you with a comprehensive understanding and guidance.

What is the price of LED video wall?


What is LED Video Wall
How to make LED video wall?
What is the difference between LCD and LED video wall?
What is the price of LED video wall?
LED video wall solution

What is LED Video Wall

LED video wall is a computer based display, playback and control system. The system consists of powerful hardware and software that allows users to control display wall applications consisting of multiple displays or large plasma screens. The user can display the content that needs to be displayed across the screen, and the display mode can be flexibly selected for a certain set of screens, full-screen or defined by the user.

How to make LED video wall?

The production of LED video wall requires several steps and professional equipment, the following is the general production process:

Design and planning: Determine the size, resolution, pixel spacing and display content of the LED video wall. Design and plan according to installation site and intended use.

Choose LED module: Select the right LED module, according to the predetermined pixel pitch and display requirements, to ensure the quality and performance of the LED module.

Prepare the structural frame: Make the structural frame to support the LED module, and design according to the size and shape of the wall or bracket.

Welding and connection: The LED modules are connected and welded one by one to ensure the electrical connection between the LED modules is reliable.

Installation and debugging: The welded LED module is fixed on the structural frame, and then the basic electrical connection and data transmission test is carried out.

Adjust the display effect: Adjust the brightness, contrast, color and display effect of the LED video wall according to the actual situation to ensure that the expected display effect is achieved.

Fixation and protection: Ensure that the LED module is firmly fixed to the structural frame to prevent loosening or tilting. At the same time, the protective cover and protective layer are installed to protect the LED module from external damage.

Control system: The LED video wall is connected to the control system, usually using a video processor or LED display controller to manage and control the display content.

Testing and maintenance: Conduct a comprehensive test of the completed LED video wall to ensure that all functions operate normally. Establish a regular maintenance plan to regularly check and maintain the LED video wall to extend its life and maintain stability.

LED Video Wall

What is the difference between LCD and LED video wall?

LCD (liquid crystal display) and LED video wall are two different types of display technology, and there are some differences in their composition, working principle and characteristics:


LCD (Liquid crystal Display) : The liquid crystal display is composed of liquid crystal molecules, which adjust the degree of light transmission by controlling changes in the electric field, so as to achieve the display of images. Typically, LCDS have a backlight, such as a cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) or an LED (light emitting diode) backlight, that illuminates the LCD screen.
LED Video wall: LED video wall is a large screen composed of many small LED (light-emitting diode) modules. Each LED module is a lattice that can directly generate light without the need for a backlight.

How it works:

LCD: The liquid crystal display adjusts the degree of light transmission by controlling the arrangement of liquid crystal molecules, so as to achieve the brightness and color changes of pixels. The brightness and contrast of the LCD display depend on the light intensity of the backlight and the adjustment effect of the liquid crystal molecules.
LED video wall: The LED module directly generates light, and its brightness and color are determined by the nature of the LED itself, and do not depend on the backlight.


LCD: Liquid crystal displays usually have high resolution and color accuracy. However, in larger size applications, LCD displays may have problems with uneven color or limited viewing angles.
LED Video Wall: LED video wall has high brightness, high contrast and wide viewing Angle. LED displays maintain uniform image quality in larger applications and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Application scenario:

LCD: Liquid crystal displays are commonly found in televisions, computer monitors, laptop screens and mobile devices.
LED video wall: LED video wall is commonly seen in indoor and outdoor large display places, such as sports venues, performing arts venues, conference halls, exhibition centers and outdoor billboards.

Although LCD and LED video walls differ in some aspects, they are currently commonly used high-quality display technologies, each playing an important role in different scenarios and applications. The type of display technology you choose depends on your specific needs, budget, and application scenario.

LED Video Wall

What is the price of LED video wall?

The price of LED video walls varies depending on a number of factors, including but not limited to the following:

Size and resolution: The price of the LED video wall is related to its size and resolution. Larger sizes and higher resolutions usually mean higher costs.

Pixel pitch: Pixel pitch refers to the distance between LED modules, the smaller the pixel pitch, the more delicate the display effect, but the cost will increase accordingly.

LED type: Different types of leds (such as SMD, COB, etc.) have different characteristics and costs. High quality LED module prices are usually higher.

Brightness and contrast: High brightness and high contrast LED modules can provide better display results, but their prices are correspondingly higher.

Brands and manufacturers: Different brands and manufacturers of LED video wall products may vary in price, brand awareness and quality will also affect the price.

Indoor or outdoor: Indoor LED video walls are generally relatively cheap, while outdoor LED video walls usually require higher water and dust resistance, so the price may be higher.

Supporting equipment: In addition to the LED module itself, it is also necessary to consider the price of the control system, installation structure, video processor and other supporting equipment.

Depending on the different combinations of the above factors, the price range of LED video walls is very wide, from $5,000 to $500,000 and even higher. For you to introduce the cost – type – characteristics of LED video wall in detail.

LED Video Wall

LED video wall solution

LED video wall solutions are usually a complete set of solutions provided by the pointer for specific application scenarios and needs, including hardware equipment, software systems and related services to achieve high-quality video and image display effects. The following are the main components of the LED video wall solution:

LED module and screen: The core of LED video wall is LED module and LED screen, LED module is the basic unit of the LED screen, according to the application scenario and requirements to choose the appropriate LED module and screen size, pixel pitch, brightness and other parameters.

Control system: The control system is a key part of the management and control of the LED video wall, including the video processor, LED display controller and control software. These devices can manage the display content, adjust the display effect, and achieve multi-screen linkage functions.

Video processor: The video processor is used to convert and process video signals from different sources into a format suitable for LED video wall display, ensuring high-quality video output.

Structure and installation: Design and provide a structural frame to support the LED screen to ensure that the LED screen is firmly installed on the wall or bracket to avoid tilting or loosening.

Protection and maintenance: Install protective cover and protective layer to protect the LED screen from external damage, and establish a regular maintenance plan to ensure the long-term stable operation of the LED video wall.

Remote control and monitoring: Provides remote control and monitoring functions to remotely update content, monitor operating status and diagnose faults.

After-sales service: Provide after-sales support and services, including maintenance, technical support and troubleshooting.

Installation and commissioning: Provide LED video wall installation and commissioning services to ensure the normal operation of the entire system and achieve the expected effect.

LED video wall solutions are usually provided by professional LED display manufacturers or suppliers, they will provide customized solutions according to the specific needs and application scenarios of customers, in order to achieve the best display effect and user experience.

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