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Outdoor LED Display Prices in India

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Outdoor LED Display Price Components
2. Case Studies on Purchasing Outdoor LED Displays
3. Prices of Outdoor LED Displays in India
4. Our Company’s Outdoor LED Display Product – Ares

With the continuous evolution of digital marketing and brand promotion, the demand for outdoor LED walls in the Indian market is on the rise. This trend has propelled the widespread use of LED technology in outdoor advertising and event displays. In the current advanced technological environment, businesses, government institutions, and event planners are seeking to incorporate the latest outdoor LED wall technology to attract more attention in public spaces, convey information, and enhance brand visibility.

In this fiercely competitive market, understanding the price trends of outdoor LED walls in India is crucial for businesses and decision-makers. Therefore, this article will delve into the current pricing scenario of outdoor LED walls in the Indian market, analyze factors influencing prices, and present the current trends in the market.

Outdoor LED Display Price

Introduction to Outdoor LED Display Price Components:

The price of outdoor LED displays is composed of various elements, including the screen unit, control system, distribution cabinet, sound amplifier, and transportation/installation. The screen unit cost, which includes the module, power supply, casing, assembly, and wiring, usually constitutes over 70% of the total quotation.

Case Studies on Purchasing Outdoor LED Displays:

Consider a company in need of installing an outdoor LED display. Factors such as whether it is monochrome, dual-color, or full-color, the required square meters, and the purpose of usage need to be determined. For example, for a 10 square meter full-color outdoor LED display used for advertising, considering factors like installation environment, chip quality, and pixel pitch, a recommendation might be a P6 full-color outdoor LED display. The cost of a conventional P6 outdoor LED display is approximately $1000 to $2000 per square meter, resulting in an estimated cost of $10,000 to $20,000 for the company’s installation.

Prices of Outdoor LED Displays in India:

– P4 Outdoor LED Display: $1500 to $2000 per square meter.
– P6 Outdoor LED Display: $1000 to $2000 per square meter.
– P10 Outdoor LED Display: $500 to $800 per square meter.

Outdoor LED Display Product Outdoor LED Display Product Outdoor LED Display Product

Our Company’s Outdoor LED Display Product – Ares:

In this investigation and analysis, the vitality and potential of the Indian outdoor LED wall market are evident. As technology continues to advance and market competition intensifies, businesses and institutions investing in outdoor LED walls need to make informed and thoughtful decisions. Understanding price trends, market dynamics, and technological innovations will be key to making wise decisions.

Looking ahead, we can anticipate significant breakthroughs in technological innovation and price rationality in the Indian outdoor LED wall market. By adapting to market changes and keeping pace with technological trends, businesses and decision-makers will be better positioned to harness the power of outdoor LED walls, garnering more attention for their brands, products, and events.

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