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SoStron New Staff Safety Health Training

At 10:00am on June 10,2021, SoStron’s physical safety and health trainng activity took place in the conference room, all of us learned the professional knowledge and practical skills of body safety and health.

Ms.Mao, a health advisor, shared some real recent events to remind us to pay attention to our and our family’s health. Also, She imparted us a practical emergency treatment called external chest compression and artificial respiration and mobilized us to learn and imitate her action together.

SoStron's physical safety

Then she explained the Tumor Marker, which is one of the keys to cancer prevention screening. She told us that Low-dose Spiral CT and Lung Cancer Tumor Marker are two important things we should be concerned when we check our lungs in the hospital.

And, some bad signs on your body may mean that you have a liver problem, such as a decrease appetite, abdominal distension and limbs weakness. So, how to prevent liver cancer in daily life?

SoStron's physical safety

Firstly, we must go to bed early (before 23:00) and get up early.

Secondly, we should be eat less food containing additives.

Thirdly, we should not drink and smoke too much, and try not to have midnight snacks.

Fourthly, a cheerful mood is important.

Finally, don’t eat health care products casually.

Ms. Mao also introduced the ways to preventing the breast cancer which occurs mostly in women. All of this has benefited us tremendously and give us a holistic view of our physical health.

After the conference, all staffs said they will follow a reasonable life schedule, healthy diet, regular exercise and physical examinatin every two years.

–by Allen, Emil SoStron


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