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6 common transparent LED displays


1. Positive LED transparent screen

2. Side LED transparent screen

3. LED film screen

4. LED soft film screen

5. LED photoelectric glass

6. LED grid screen

With the continuous popularity of transparent screens in practical applications, transparent screens have been seen everywhere. Although transparent screen is an application of a new type of display technology, it still has a place in the current market through the feedback and continuous improvement of user information, and also shows a trend of diversification. The transparent LED transparent screen on the market can be divided into six categories: positive light, side light, film screen, soft film screen, photoelectric glass and grid screen.

Positive LED transparent screen

1. Positive LED transparent screen

The positive luminous transparent screen uses conventional SMD lamp beads to attach to the hollow PCB board, and places the drive IC in a centralized manner. This product is made of conventional components and conventional processes, so most LED transparent screen manufacturers, even Lianman, have such products. Such products are mainly used in the occasions where the fixed size does not need special customization, such as shop windows, chain stores, stage rental, bars, etc.

Side LED transparent screen

2. Side LED transparent screen

The side light emitting transparent screen is to mount the side light emitting lamp beads on the PCB lamp strip using SMT technology. This product is only an application form of side-emitting lamp beads, and the SMT process is more difficult than that of positive emitting products, so general manufacturers also have such products. The product is applicable to glass curtain walls with variable sizes and special-shaped customization.

LED film screen

3. LED film screen

The film mounting screen is a kind of lamp bead which is integrated with the lamp drive and is mounted on the ultra-thin PCB board with a certain hollow-out. Use transparent film and PC to protect it before and after. This kind of product is suitable for atrium fence, chain store, glass curtain wall and other occasions.

LED soft film screen

4. LED soft film screen

Soft film screen is also called crystal film screen because it is transparent like crystal. It is a lamp bead that integrates the lamp drive and is mounted on the transparent conductive film. It is mainly suitable for indoor and outdoor use such as atrium fence, glass partition, etc.

LED photoelectric glass

5. LED photoelectric glass

Photoelectric glass screen is a kind of product that sticks the lamp beads of the lamp drive on the transparent conductive glass. This product is suitable for indoor glass partition, atrium fence and other occasions.

LED grid screen

6. LED grid screen

Grid screen is a kind of product that puts a single PCB light bar into an aluminum profile, and then glue the lamp surface. There are two types of lamp beads: direct lamp beads and surface lamp beads. These products are generally used as outdoor large-space products, mainly for outdoor building display and lighting.

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