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hiLux pro was installed in a control center

Every meeting room needs bigger and brighter displays when it’s up to 20 people.Before the LED display technology shows up in control room or meeting room,projector & digital signage are the options we have mostly.

led display

Today it’s changing,a fine pixel led screen make it different,larger,brigher,and colorful.

We made an installation in control room in Europe,to replace projectors,clients are pleased about the color and brightness of it.It’s with a lot of lights inside when people come for meeting,and people love to see the PPT or have meeting calls from the screen,obviously the led display did it,and it’s getting better each day.

led display

With the hiLux pro fine pixel P1.8mm,it brings lots of advantages like

A resolution of 4K

A brightness of 800CD

A color of 16 bit

An option of 50HZ/60HZ/120HZ

led display

Client do not want just a induvidual display,they want to integrate online video call,sound/light control,PPT displaying,interactive with the audience etc,they need a solution.Thanks to our local partner,with their experience and professions,client are please about the job.

We work hard each day,a LIKE from client make us keep our passion on the new technology,high quality control,nice design and good service.

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